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wooden oval

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The wooden oval allows children to improve their climbing technique and balance. These are essential skills for healthy, natural development. Its beauty is in its simplicity, which sparks children's imaginations. It's a great indoor activity for any Montessori playroom, especially if the weather doesn't allow for nature walks. The ability to climb plays a big role in a child's motor skills and balance, so children naturally tend to climb everywhere. The role of parents here is to provide a safe way for the child to work on climbing skills. The wooden oval is multifunctional. The material used is - birch wood plywood and birch wood step. Lacquer based on water base.

The size of the frame is 95 cm/52 cm. The distance between the steps is 9.5 cm. The step itself is 49.5 cm long. The width of the oval is 52 cm, the distance between the floor and the middle point of the oval is 47 cm. Weight 5 kg.
Georgia, Tbilisi, Mirian Mefe 77


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