Whether incorporated into recipes, or simply consumed straight out of the bag as a nutritious snack, these wonderfully satisfying hazelnuts from Ellen and Company are sure to please. Considering the growing numbers of people engaged in active and healthier lifestyles around the world, raw hazelnuts fit right in and represent incredible value.
Origin: Georgia
Size: Calibrated to meet customer specifications
Color: Brown, typical for hazelnut kernels
Consistency: Crunchy, not soft
Odor: Typical for hazelnut kernels, light roasted smell
Taste: Typical for hazelnut kernels, light roasted flavor
Fat content: Ca. 55 – 65%
Calibration: max. 5% > Caliber (min. 90 %) > max. 5 %
Packaging: Ijira-bag/ vacuum-bag with or without cardboard box
Unit: Ute-bag 50/80 Kg gross/net, (vacuum-bag 20/25 Kg net)
Storage: Store in a clean, dry, and cool location below 10°C