Perlite ore from “Paravani Deposit” has unique rate of expansion up to 30 times, – final product has density from 30 kg/m3 to 170 kg/m3 (proved by laboratories tests of «Silbrico Corporation», USA in 2011, Coefficient of non-expanded grades is 0.8%-1.6%, again confirmed by laboratory tests of «Silbrico Corporation», USA in 2011 (
Expanded Perlite is applied in the production of perlite blocks, sandwich panels and partitions, as fillers in lightweight concrete for the heat-insulation products, in the manufacture of ceramic-and bitum perlite products, synthetic resins, gypsum and perlite-silicate materials, plaster solutions, fire mortars and plasters, heat-insulating ceiling and wall coverings. Supplements of perlite in a plaster, cement plasters and construction mortars reduce the weight of the final product, lower coefficient of linear swelling, increase elasticity, stickiness and significantly improve the heat and sound insulation properties.
Also, perlite is applied as a filler in the manufacture of linoleum, paints, rubber products, anti-corrosion coatings. In the construction, light mortars based on expanded perlite are widely used. Mixed in the dry state with a plaster or cement such compositions are shut by water directly at the construction site, and laid. They fill cavities in the walls, blocks, brick, as well as float-works of the open joints and cracks.
Such a solution is more interesting in the construction of light-weight bricks or foam concrete, whose properties are close to the characteristics of the solution according to their heat-engineering parameters. The most important thing is that laying in such solutions does not have cold bridges. Perlite insulation, as a basis during the installation of the floor can be used also for “floating” concrete and asphalt floors and for floating wooden floors.
In metallurgical production, perlite sand is used when pouring steel, for filling oxygen units, storing LNG in reservoirs. Because of their unique properties, perlite insulation is widely used in low-temperature and cryogenic storage tanks, in ship containers, refrigeration and environmental chambers, and technology of food production. Perlite expanded sand has found a widespread use in isolation units in separating air into oxygen and nitrogen, applied in metallurgy.
Perlite is also widely used in steel and cast iron teeming to isolate the melting surface in mould boxes, ladles and molds. It also may be used for storage of oxygen, nitrogen, and LNG when especially low thermal conductivities are desired. In addition to large field erected storage tanks, perlite is used to insulate smaller shop fabricated vessels designed for the storage of the cryogenic gases.
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