Delivering Progress for a Better Future
Policy and Management Consulting Group - PMCG is an international development consulting company, primarily focused on transitional and developing countries.
PMCG has an extensive hands-on experience in delivering progress, supporting countries to advance economic development, democracy and good governance through policy, structural and administrative reforms oriented towards the following: Business environment, doing business and socio-economic reforms, policy elaboration and institutional capacity development. PMCG assists governments, the private sector, as well as international and civil institutions by delivering simple, comprehensive and progressive services tailored to their needs.
Having sound knowledge of countries in transition, PMCG is building an effective synergy of local and international expertise to support partners on the path of development, bringing global vision and best relevant practices into the local environment.
PMCG specializes in:
- Policy Advising – Delivering Progress to Countries in Transition:
- Institutional Development and Capacity Building – Improving Efficiency and Enhancing Performance
- Monitoring and Evaluation – Providing Insight for Tangible Results
- Infrastructure Development – Adapting Global Experience to Fix Local Challenges
- Corporate Development and Management Consulting – Facilitating High-Performance and Profitability
PMCG has led projects in East Europe, Middle East and North Africa, Afghanistan, Caucasus and Central Asia and Africa, cooperated with bilateral and multilateral development institutions, such as: United States Agency for International Development (USAID), European Commission (EC), The World Bank (WB), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Asian Development Bank (ADB), and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Mozambique, Niger, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan