"Vasadzis Puri" LLC was founded on May 13, 2001. Initially, the company was focused on the production of bread and cookies. In 2011, a pilot project for confectionery production was implemented and a new brand of "Vasadze bread" - confectionery "Sandomi" was created. The "Sandomi" brand is a modern, fast-growing, dynamic, innovative company, which currently produces more than 100 names of high-quality sweets in the form of various types of biscuits, chocolates, cakes, candies and dried fruit leather. "Sandomi" is staffed by highly qualified specialists. The team of professionals, together with foreign colleagues, is constantly working on improving and updating the products. Foreign technologists are periodically invited to the enterprise and employees undergo intensive training. The company is the owner of the ISO:22000-2005 standard, which is proof that Sandomi produces Georgian products of the highest quality in compliance with all international standards.
Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, China, Hong Kong SAR China, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Oman, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan
ISO:22000-2005 standard
1. leader of the field - 2015 2. Leader of the year 2017 - Swiss Rating Asotiation 2. HACCP certificate - 2018 2. Permanent Leader 2019 - Swiss Rating Asotiation 3. #1 Golden Brand 2019