GEORGIAN PACKAGING was established in 2016 by Cezanne Ltd.
Since 1992, Cezanne has been the leading printing company in Georgia and Caucasus Region specializing in offset printing and producing soft and hard cover books (including school books), magazines, luxury packaging, corporate and business stationary. In 2014, when the demand on food grade paper packaging materials was increased on international and local markets, Cezanne team decided to enter this market and to develop the food contact products, established the company Georgian Packaging and started the production of food grade paper packaging materials in full spectrum.
The mission of the company is to offer its customers safe and right packaging made from the certified grades of paper and supporting raw materials.
All food contact materials are 100% primary fiber-based manufactured in the productions sites in compliance with good manufacturing practice and quality management system certified according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, ISO/FSSC 22000, Chain of Custody, food contact regulations and recommendations, warrantying NON-USE of Recycled material, Chlorine, Fluorine, Heavy metals, GMO, Conflict minerals …
Georgian Packaging has strived to implement and develop food safety management system and food safety culture, to strengthen material, technical and human resources, to comply with international market and suppliers’ guiding principles, to ensure sustainability, stability and confidence in supply chain globally by respecting the environment, human rights and responsible business practices.
At this level of development, Georgian Packaging produces these products below:
Different sizes and types of paper cups for cold and hot beverages;
Great variety of take-away boxes and trays;
Eco-friendly and fish-friendly kraft paper bags: carrier bags for fashion and food, consumer bags for bakery, quick fill single or double ply bags for dry food (flour, sugar & grains);
Hamburger and sandwich OGR wrapping papers;
Paper straws;
Paper accessories: paper holders, sleeves;
Lids for cold and hot cups;
Stickers and Self-adhesives materials.
Georgian Packaging works with international brands to become the global supplier and Packaging Materials Hub for Caucasus Region for international customers and not limited to McDonalds, KFC, Coca-Cola, Pepsi Co, Wendy’s, Dunkin, Subway.
On-boarding processes, lab tests, certifications and sustainability related issues have been instructed, inserted, implemented and controlled by international companies: SGS, Intertek, Eurofins, UL, Metsa Group.
Georgian Packaging is a founder of Packaging Manufacturers’ Association of Georgia (PMAG)
FSSC 22000: In April 2022 Georgian Packaging Ltd was assessed and determined to comply with the requirements of Food Safety System Certification FSSC 22000 (ISO 22000:2018, ISO/TS 22002-4:2013 and additional FSSC 22000 requirements version 5.1), Food category: I – Production of Food Packaging and Packaging Material. Certificate UA22/819942787 issued by SGS United Kingdom Ltd, issue date: April 27, 2022. Georgian Packaging passed Social Workplace Accountability audit in October 2023 for second time. Next due date is October 2025 Chain of Custody certifications have not been performed neither in Georgia nor Caucasus Region so far. Georgian Packaging is the first company in the packaging industry in the Region that isgranted such certificates. PEFC - Certificate SGSCH-PEFC-COC-230003 FSC - Certificate SGSCH-PEFC-COC-230093