Home Companies GEOFARMS LLC


Food & Beverage / Fresh Fruits and vegetables, Fresh Fruits and vegetables, Fresh Fruits and vegetables, Spring and mineral water, Spring and mineral water, Spring and mineral water, Live Animals, Live Animals, Live Animals, Meat and Meat Products, Meat and Meat Products, Meat and Meat Products

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GEOFARMS LLC became the biggest farm keeping the highest volume of Imeruli sheep our finest high-quality products which is descendant of an old Georgian sheep bread and GEOFARMS also raise Tushuri sheep which is very is popular in the GCC and levant countries.

GEOFARMS LLC located in Kakheti, Lagodekhi region, Georgia, and it was built on 150 000 Sqm and
additional 500 000 on lease.

Our Mission

To raise our livestock traditionally, humanely and sustainably to produce the finest tasting meat by
focusing on creating an exceptional environment that will increase competitiveness in Agriculture
food sector, promote stable growth of high-quality agricultural production whilst ensuring food
safety and security.
Revive The Imaruli sheep golden age and create new horizons which will makes Georgian even
more popular in larger scale from where it is now
Setting up and advanced model of farming business by involving best expertise of the agriculture
industries internally and externally


Bahrain, Egypt, Georgia, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates

Regions of Georgia


Year of foundation



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